Top things you need to know about clothes moths Have you ever sat around wondering about clothes moths? Admit it; you probably have at least once after discovering your favorite sweater had a couple of holes chewed into it. While you may not be able to prevent them...
Spring and summer are the typical seasons for mosquito spraying, but when is the best time of year to do it? Mosquitoes can be a nuisance all year round, so it’s essential to know the most effective time to get rid of them. Keep reading to find out more! The...
When the colder months hit like a strong-armed linebacker, mice and rats start looking for shelter and food sources. Here’s how to avoid mice and rats during the colder months. 1. Perform routine yard maintenance around your house By performing a yard...
Cockroaches contain a protein that is an allergen for many people. If you are allergic to them, they can trigger asthma attacks. Studies show children who are allergic to cockroaches and are exposed to them, need to go to the hospital for asthma more often than other...
Do you ever wonder where pests go during winter? Do they die? Or do they sleep amid the entire season? Insects have a variety of methods to survive the cold season. When winter arrives, most pests go into hibernation, and few migrate to other regions. In this blog, we...
The weather plays a significant role in how insect problems arise. By paying attention to the weather, you can better be on guard for and protect against insects in your home or business. While few insects can survive a cold winter, warmer temperatures increased...