Wasps can put a damper on any outdoor event, especially during the summer season. A wasp infestation can even trap you indoors, away from your yard or patio, out of fear of injury. Taking preventive issues to stop wasps from invading is essential to keeping your property safe and accessible at all times. Learn how to prevent wasps in your home or business with these simple steps —and if the issue worsens, don’t hesitate to call a pest professional.

Assess Potential Nesting Spots: Wasps prefer nesting in a variety of different places; however, there are a few spaces that attract wasps more than others. Identifying these problem-areas is an effective first-step to take in preventing wasps in your home or business. First story windows, shutters, dryer vents, meter boxes, decks, and light fixtures attached to the building are all spots that wasps seek when building nests. Once these areas have been determined, place wasp repellent to discourage nesting.

Wasp-Repelling Plants: Rather than worry about using chemical deterrents for pests, which can occasionally harm the helpful creatures in the environment as well, there are plenty of natural repellents that can dissuade wasps from nesting on your property. Plants such as marigold, mint, and basil are all-natural wasp-repellents that are safe and effective. They can easily be woven into your property’s landscaping too!

Clean Your Property: Nothing attracts wasps more than food or garbage. Removing any potential food sources can make your home or business less appealing to wasps. Fallen scraps from an outdoor dinner party on your patio or an uncovered compost pile filled with rotting leftovers can tempt wasps to invade your property. Fallen berries and other sugary leftovers are also extremely attractive to wasps, so if you have a fruit tree or berry bush on your property, unpicked fruit left on the ground might cause wasps to take interest.

Fill in Holes: Holes in your property can potentially invite wasps to make their nest inside of them. Whether in your walls or in the ground, any small crevices can provide enough space for a wasp to make its home. Cover any visible holes in order to prevent wasps from moving in.

Contact A Professional: If you want to be sure that your property is well protected against wasps (and other pests), contact a professional pest control expert who can provide your home or business with a variety of preventative measures. These trained professionals cannot only get rid of any current pest issues on your property, but also actively discourage wasps from nesting along the building.

Keep your property safe against wasps by completing these wasp-repelling tips. It is essential to prevent wasps in your home or business; however, if these steps alone are not enough, call a pest control specialist today in order to keep any unwanted creatures away!