Signs of a Bird Infestation

Signs of a Bird Infestation

The presence of birds is often seen as a special pleasure and a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Our region is blessed with an incredible diversity of bird species. But not all bird species are created equal. Some species, such as pigeons, can be more troublesome. Things...

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Common Bathroom Pests

Common Bathroom Pests

Did you know your bathroom is vulnerable to pest infestations? The main reason you may find pests in your bathroom is that they are attracted by moisture. The moisture and humidity normally found in your bathroom serve as a perfect habitat for many types of insects....

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What is Hantavirus and How to Avoid it

What is Hantavirus and How to Avoid it

Hantaviruses are rare but deadly diseases mainly carried by rodents that can cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). HPS is a severe, fatal, respiratory disease. Though only some breeds of mice and rats are known to transmit hantaviruses, for your own safety, we...

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What You Need To Know About Wasps

What You Need To Know About Wasps

Of all the insects you may come into contact with in your backyard, wasps are among the most feared. Wasps have earned themselves a bad reputation due to their sting and occasional aggression. As such, wasps should be given a wide berth and left alone unless they are...

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How to Keep Mice Out of My Car?

How to Keep Mice Out of My Car?

Mice invasions are not just a problem for your basement or attic. They shelter in a place where they feel safe. Your vehicle can be an attractive home for critters to seek shelter from predators or the weather. Their choice of shelter is not just a nuisance. When mice...

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Tick Bite Prevention Tips

Tick Bite Prevention Tips

If you spend time outdoors, whether it be your backyard or hiking through a nature preserve, you need to be aware of ticks and take steps to protect yourself. Ticks are found everywhere across the United States. Depending on which region you live in, ticks can be a...

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Ways to Have an Insect-Free Backyard Party 

Ways to Have an Insect-Free Backyard Party 

Summertime is right around the corner and it is the perfect time to get outside. Few things are more enjoyable than getting together with friends and family to enjoy the warm weather. Of course, you might enjoy being outdoors even more if it weren’t for those pesky...

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Pest Control Myths You Should Never Believe

Pest Control Myths You Should Never Believe

Home pests have been a source of discomfort for all of humanity since time immemorial. Many techniques have been developed to fight them with varying levels of success. Nevertheless, many of these techniques and beliefs continue to be widely held despite the evidence...

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Habits That Attract Pests

Habits That Attract Pests

Like humans, pests need three things to survive – food, water, and shelter. Your house, if not properly maintained, happens to be the perfect space to provide all three for them. Your house will become an enticing target if it offers a place to hide, feed, and stay...

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Pests to Watch Out for During Summer Season

Pests to Watch Out for During Summer Season

Summer is known as the season for outdoor fun and relaxation. But we are not the only ones that enjoy the warmer weather. Many insects hibernate through the colder seasons and begin to emerge with the rise in temperatures. So when you are headed outside or planning...

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Prevent Pests That Damage Your Garden

Prevent Pests That Damage Your Garden

One of the most terrifying things that can happen to a gardener is to find their garden plants & vegetables getting destroyed by pests.  Whether you are growing herbs, fruits, or vegetables, your garden plants are always prone to pest infestations. But that...

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Most Common Pests in the Bedroom

Most Common Pests in the Bedroom

Your bedroom is your haven from the world, and the last thing you need is pests crawling around where you sleep. Bed bugs are the most common pest in the bedroom, but a few other pesky bugs and rodents can congregate there too.  Here are five of the most common pests...

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Top Bed Bug Hiding Places

Top Bed Bug Hiding Places

Bedbugs feed on blood and their bites leave you feeling itchy. The only good thing about bed bugs is that they are not known to transmit or spread disease. However, they multiply quickly and can make your life miserable. When bed bugs are not feeding on their hosts,...

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Tips on How To Keep Your Commercial Property Pest Free

Tips on How To Keep Your Commercial Property Pest Free

Keeping a commercial property free of pests can be as hard as it is for the companies in that building to stay in business. Commercial buildings tend to have a lot of opening and closing doors, tons of windows, air ducts, and other places that allow pests to sneak in...

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Common Pests That Invade the Home During the Winter

Common Pests That Invade the Home During the Winter

Winter-time should be a season of festivity and cheer, when families gather inside to fend off the cold temperatures and spend time together in the comfort of your home. The warmth and security that your home provides during winter, however, can also be appealing to a...

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The Dos and Don’ts of Bird Nest Removal

The Dos and Don’ts of Bird Nest Removal

A bird nest on your property can be exciting —but it can also be damaging and distracting. Therefore, it’s always best to remove bird nests built too close to your home. However, there are a number of dos and don’ts of bird nest removal that should be followed at all...

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Ways to Keep Rodents Out of Your House

Ways to Keep Rodents Out of Your House

As the weather changes and the temperature drops in the fall, rodents are on the lookout for  warm, secure places to hide from the cold. For many, the perfect spot often looks to be your home.  Don’t let rodents sneak into your house this season —instead, carefully...

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Why Fall Pest Control Is Important

Why Fall Pest Control Is Important

Fall is a season that is particularly vulnerable to pest invasions, as cold weather drives pests inside. The change in season brings out different animal activity. There are many reasons why fall pest control is important, such as keeping your home free from damage...

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Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean in the Time of COVID-19

Tips for Keeping Your Home Clean in the Time of COVID-19

It has never been more important than now to keep your home clean and properly disinfected. The high prevalence of COVID-19 all across the globe means that all homeowners must take an active stance on their home cleaning. It might seem difficult to disinfect your home...

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1609 Mozelle St • Pharr, TX 78577

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