Things to know about Organic Pest Control

Things to know about Organic Pest Control Organic pest control is becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the dangers of pesticides. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions about it. Here are some things you should know about organic pest...

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How to Protect Your Deck from Termites

How to Protect Your Deck from Termites If you are like most people, your deck is one of the essential features of your home. It's a great place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. However, it could quickly become an expensive eyesore if you don't take steps to protect...

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Guide To Pest Proofing Your Home

Pest proofing your home is something you should do regularly, especially if you live in an area prone to infestations. No one wants to think about it, but the truth is that pests can cause a lot of damage to your home if they are left unchecked. Here are some tips on...

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Common Pests in Commercial Spaces

Common Pests in Commercial Spaces It seems that some pests really love commercial spaces. Who can blame them? Commercial spaces offer them food, water, and shelter to thrive. That's why business owners need to be aware of the most common pests that might try to invade...

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What you need to know about Termite Swarmers

What you need to know about Termite Swarmers So, you think you know everything there is to know about termites. Well, that's probably not the case at all. There's a good chance you don't know anything about swarmers. That's right - the little critters that hatch from...

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Top things you need to know about Clothes Moths

Top things you need to know about clothes moths Have you ever sat around wondering about clothes moths? Admit it; you probably have at least once after discovering your favorite sweater had a couple of holes chewed into it. While you may not be able to prevent them...

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Is Pest Control Safe For Kids?

Is Pest Control Safe For Kids? If you have pests, you've probably considered calling an exterminator. The question everyone always has is, "Is pest control safe for kids?" The answer is: yes, but there are some precautions you need to take. Let's talk about the...

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Cockroach Life Cycle

Cockroach Life Cycle   Have you ever wondered about the life cycle of a cockroach? If so, you're in luck because in this article we will explore just that. Cockroaches undergo a process called metamorphosis, which means they change form as they grow. The entire...

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How To Keep Wildlife Out of Your Yard

Do you have a problem with wildlife in your yard? You're not alone! Many homeowners struggle to keep animals like deer, rabbits, and squirrels out of their yards. Thankfully, there are some things you can do to deter these unwelcome guests. In this blog post, we'll...

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How Does Hot, Dry Weather Affect Pests?

How does the weather affect pests? You may be wondering how high temperatures and lack of rain can impact the unwanted critters that seem to invade your home or garden. As it turns out, there are a few ways that hot, dry weather can make life difficult for pests. Read...

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Why Do I have Ants in My House?

There are few things more frustrating than discovering ants in your house. Whether they're scurrying across the floor or marching up the walls, these tiny insects can be a real annoyance. So what do you do when you find ants in your house? Why do they come in the...

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When is the Best Time of Year to Spray for Mosquitoes?

Spring and summer are the typical seasons for mosquito spraying, but when is the best time of year to do it? Mosquitoes can be a nuisance all year round, so it's essential to know the most effective time to get rid of them. Keep reading to find out more! The best time...

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Why Do I Have Bed Bugs in My Home?

Bed bugs are one of those things you never think will affect you, but when it comes down to it, thousands of people are hit by this problem each year. Bed bugs are pesky little creatures that tend to bite during the night, which leaves marks on your skin - most...

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How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are one of those things that you don't expect to see. You don't want to see them or an infestation of them. But unfortunately, they are the largest ants that people will ever see inside their homes, and they can do a lot of damage to your home if you're...

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How do Moths get into Pantries and How to keep them out?

Moths in your pantry are a huge problem, but there are some simple steps you can take to deter the creepy crawlies. Learning to identify an infestation and catching it early can save you a lot of heartache in the long run, not to mention your sanity. How do moths get...

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How Dangerous is it to have Fleas in your Home?

Fleas are one of those things that can be a real pain to deal with. Whether your pet has them or not, the last thing you want is to have fleas in your home. So, just how dangerous are these parasites? Are they going to eat you alive from the inside out or just suck a...

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What kills termites naturally?

Killing termites is not an easy task. It's one of the most challenging insects to get rid of. The good news is that there are natural things you can do to kill termites without using harsh chemicals or dangerous pesticides. Here's what you can use to kill termites...

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How to avoid Mice and Rats During the Cold Months

When the colder months hit like a strong-armed linebacker, mice and rats start looking for shelter and food sources. Here's how to avoid mice and rats during the colder months. 1. Perform routine yard maintenance around your house By performing a yard maintenance...

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Can you do termite control yourself?

Termites are a homeowner's nightmare. They can lead to expensive repairs or even structural damage if they're left unchecked. Fortunately, there's an easy solution you can do at home, provided you know what to look for. Here's the scoop on why termites eat wood and...

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Tips for Getting Rid of Cockroach Allergens

Tips for Getting Rid of Cockroach Allergens

Cockroaches contain a protein that is an allergen for many people. If you are allergic to them, they can trigger asthma attacks. Studies show children who are allergic to cockroaches and are exposed to them, need to go to the hospital for asthma more often than other...

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